
Diálogo com o Evangelho

Diálogo com o Evangelho, do Domingo 1 de junho (Domingo da Ascensão), pelo Frei Eugénio, no programa de rádio "Raízes de Cá".

A vida questiona o Evangelho de Domingo, 1 de junho

Mt. 28,16-20.
Naquele tempo, os onze discípulos partiram para a Galileia, para o monte que Jesus lhes tinha indicado.
Quando o viram, adoraram-no; alguns, no entanto, ainda duvidavam.
Aproximando-se deles, Jesus disse-lhes: «Foi-me dado todo o poder no Céu e na Terra. Ide, pois, fazei discípulos de todos os povos, baptizando-os em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo, ensinando-os a cumprir tudo quanto vos tenho mandado. E sabei que Eu estarei sempre convosco até ao fim dos tempos.»


Pope Francis has extended an invitation to Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and to Israeli President, Shimon Peres, to come to the Vatican and join him in praying to God for the gift of peace. “I offer my home in the Vatican as a place for this encounter of prayer”, said the Pope.
“In this, the birthplace of the Prince of Peace”, said Pope Francis,” I wish to invite you, President Mahmoud Abbas, together with President Shimon Peres, to join me in heartfelt prayer to God for the gift of peace. I offer my home in the Vatican as a place for this encounter of prayer.
All of us want peace. Many people build it day by day through small gestures and acts; many of them are suffering, yet patiently persevere in their efforts to be peacemakers. All of us – especially those placed at the service of their respective peoples – have the duty to become instruments and artisans of peace, especially by our prayers.
Building peace is difficult, but living without peace is a constant torment. The men and women of these lands, and of the entire world, all of them, ask us to bring before God their fervent hopes for peace.”
The surprise invitation came after the recitation of the Regina Coeli following the celebration of Mass in Manger Square, Bethlehem, on Sunday morning.
Ver aqui.


Here is the English translation of the Pope’s discourse to the Jordanian authorities at the Royal Palace
Your Majesties,
Your Excellencies,
Dear Brother Bishops,
Dear Friends,
I thank God for granting me this opportunity to visit the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the footsteps of my predecessors Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. I am grateful to His Majesty King Abdullah II for his warm words of welcome, as I recall with pleasure our recent meeting in the Vatican. I also greet the members of the Royal Family, the government and the people of Jordan, this land so rich in history and with such great religious significance for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Jordan has offered a generous welcome to great numbers of Palestinian and Iraqi refugees, as well as to other refugees from troubled areas, particularly neighboring Syria, ravaged by a conflict which has lasted all too long. Such generosity merits the appreciation and support of the international community. The Catholic Church, to the extent of its abilities, has sought to provide assistance to refugees and those in need, especially through Caritas Jordan.

While acknowledging with deep regret the continuing grave tensions in the Middle East, I thank the authorities of the Kingdom for all that they are doing and I encourage them to persevere in their efforts to seek lasting peace for the entire region. This great goal urgently requires that a peaceful solution be found to the crisis in Syria, as well as a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I take this opportunity to reiterate my profound respect and esteem for the Muslim community and my appreciation for the leadership of His Majesty the King in promoting a better understanding of the virtues taught by Islam and a climate of serene coexistence between the faithful of the different religions. I am grateful that Jordan has supported a number of important initiatives aimed at advancing interreligious dialogue and understanding between Jews, Christians and Muslims. I think in particular of the Amman Message and the support given within the United Nations Organization to the annual celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week.

I would also like to offer an affectionate greeting to the Christian communities present in this country since apostolic times, contributing to the common good of the society of which they are fully a part. Although Christians today are numerically a minority, theirs is a significant and valued presence in the fields of education and health care, thanks to their schools and hospitals. They are able to profess their faith peaceably, in a climate of respect for religious freedom. Religious freedom is in fact a fundamental human right and I cannot fail to express my hope that it will be upheld throughout the Middle East and the entire world. The right to religious freedom “includes on the individual and collective levels the freedom to follow one’s conscience in religious matters and, at the same time, freedom of worship… [it also includes] the freedom to choose the religion which one judges to be true and to manifest one’s beliefs in public” (Ecclesia in Medio Oriente, 26). Christians consider themselves, and indeed are, full citizens, and as such they seek, together with their Muslim fellow citizens, to make their own particular contribution to the society in which they live.

Finally, I cordially invoke peace and prosperity upon the Kingdom of Jordan and its people. I pray that my visit will help to advance and strengthen good and cordial relations between Christians and Muslims.

I thank you for your courteous welcome. May the Almighty and Merciful God grant happiness and long life to Your Majesties, and may he bless Jordan abundantly. S


Papa Francisco na Terra Santa - Programa de Sábado

Saturday, May 24, 2014
08:15   Departure from Rome Fiumicino Airport for Amman 13:00   Arrival at the Queen Alia International Airport in Amman
13:45   ARRIVAL CEREMONY in the al-Husseini Royal Palace in Amman
16:00   HOLY MASS at the International Stadium in Amman. Homily of the Holy Father
19:00   Visit to the Baptismal Site at Bethany beyond the Jordan
19:15   MEETING WITH REFUGEES AND DISABLED YOUNG PEOPLE in the Latin church at Bethany beyond the Jordan. Discourse of the Holy Father

Todos os que não podemos estar na Jordânia durante a visita papal, podemos seguir em direto a Celebração Eucarística que será presidida pelo Santo Padre no Estádio de Amman, graças a uma earthcam instalada para esse fim.
Para acompanhar basta aceder: http://visitjordan.com/earthcam

Almoço em família

Amanhã começa a visita do Papa Francisco à Terra Santa.

Destaca-se hoje o almoço que terá no Domingo, em Belém, com familias palestinianas.

«Pope Francis wants to spend a little time with the poor families in the Bethlehem and their children to listen to them, permitting them to feel his closeness and tenderness. 
He did not want to have lunch with the cardinals, bishops and politicians, but with poor families. 
It took time to understand the reasons for this gesture. It really makes the Pope admired: how Jesus wants to stay close to the poor.»


Diálogo com o Evangelho

Diálogo com o Evangelho, do Domingo 11 de maio (4º Domingo de Páscoa), pelo Frei Eugénio, no programa de rádio "Raízes de Cá".

A vida questiona o Evangelho de Domingo, 11 de Maio

Jo. 10, 1-10
Naquele tempo, disse Jesus: «Aquele que entra pela porta é o pastor das ovelhas. A esse o porteiro abre-a e as ovelhas escutam a sua voz. E ele chama as suas ovelhas uma a uma pelos seus nomes e fá-las sair. Depois de tirar todas as que são suas, vai à frente delas, e as ovelhas seguem-no, porque reconhecem a sua voz. Mas, a um estranho, jamais o seguiriam; pelo contrário, fugiriam dele, porque não reconhecem a voz dos estranhos.»
Jesus propôs-lhes esta comparação, mas eles não compreenderam o que lhes dizia.
Então, Jesus retomou a palavra: «Em verdade, em verdade vos digo: Eu sou a porta das ovelhas. Todos os que vieram antes de mim eram ladrões e salteadores, mas as ovelhas não lhes prestaram atenção.
Eu sou a porta. Se alguém entrar por mim estará salvo; há-de entrar e sair e achará pastagem. Eu vim para que tenham vida e a tenham em abundância.


A Shameful Chapter - Uri Avnery

A propósito da Terra Santa, que em breve recebe a visita do Papa Francisco, aqui fica este texto de um credivel autor e estudioso do Médio Oriente: Uri Avnery.

 O texto integral pode ser lido aqui: http://www.avnery-news.co.il/english/

«A Shameful Chapter» - por Uri Avnery (03/05/2014)
HOW WOULD the US react to a declaration that the Palestinians would not conduct negotiations with an Israeli government that includes semi-fascist parties?

With outrage, of course.

How does the US react to an Israeli statement that Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas?

With full approval, of course.

FOR ANYONE interested in Israeli-Palestinian peace, the prospect of domestic Palestinian reconciliation is good news.

For years now we have heard Israeli spokespersons announcing that it’s no use making peace with half the Palestinian people and continuing the war with the other half. Mahmoud Abbas is a plucked chicken, as Ariel Sharon tactfully put it. It’s Hamas which counts. And Hamas is planning a Second Holocaust.

Under the recent Palestinian reconciliation agreement, Hamas is now committed to supporting an all-Palestinian government of experts agreed on by both parties. The Israeli extreme right-wing government is burning with rage. It will never, never, never negotiate with a Palestinian government that is supported by Hamas.

Hamas must first recognize Israel, stop all terrorist activities and undertake to respect all previous agreements signed by the PLO.

That’s OK, Abbas declares. The next government will be appointed by me, and it will fulfill all three conditions.

That’s not enough, Netanyahu’s spokespersons declare. Hamas itself must accept the three conditions, before we deal with a government supported by Hamas.

Abbas could respond in kind. Before dealing with the Netanyahu government, he could say, all factions in the Israeli government must declare their support for the Two-State Solution, as Netanyahu has done (once, in his so-called Bar-Ilan speech.) At least two parties, Naftali Bennett’s “Jewish Home” and Avigdor Lieberman’s “Israel our Home”, as well as a great part of the Likud, would refuse to do so.


Francisco não vai à Terra Santa sozinho

Terre sainte: Le pape sera accompagné d'un rabbin et d'un musulman

On le sait, le pape François se rendra au Proche-Orient le 24 mai. Ce que l'on ne savait pas, c'est qu'il sera accompagné d'un rabbin et d'un professeur musulman.

Deux argentins, le rabbin de Buenos Aires et le président de l'Institut pour le dialogue interreligieux de Buenos Aires également, seront aux côtés de François lors de son premier voyage au Proche-Orient qui aura lieu du 24 au 26 mai prochain. C'est une grande première dans les annales pontificales qu'un pape se fasse accompagner par des représentants d'autres religions lors de déplacements internationaux, qui plus est de déplacements aussi stratégiques.

Amman, Bethléem et Jérusalem accueilleront non seulement le chef de l'Eglise catholique, mais recevront également deux dignitaires des deux autres grandes religions monothéistes de Terre sainte. De grands enjeux pour ce voyage donc, qui au départ, se voulait œcuménique (commémoration du 50e anniversaire de la rencontre entre le pape Paul VI et le patriarche Athënagoras) et qui, à l'arrivée, sera aussi interreligieux.


Diálogo com o Evangelho

Diálogo com o Evangelho, do Domingo 4 de maio (3º Domingo de Páscoa), pelo Frei Eugénio, no programa de rádio "Raízes de Cá".

A vida questiona o Evangelho de Domingo, 4 de Maio

Lc. 24,13-35
Dois dos discípulos iam a caminho de uma aldeia chamada Emaús, que ficava a cerca de duas léguas de Jerusalém; e conversavam entre si sobre tudo o que acontecera. Enquanto conversavam e discutiam, aproximou-se deles o próprio Jesus e pôs-se com eles a caminho; os seus olhos, porém, estavam impedidos de o reconhecer. Disse-lhes Ele: «Que palavras são essas que trocais entre vós, enquanto caminhais?» Pararam entristecidos.
E um deles, chamado Cléofas, respondeu: «Tu és o único forasteiro em Jerusalém a ignorar o que lá se passou nestes dias!»
Perguntou-lhes Ele: «Que foi?» Responderam-lhe: «O que se refere a Jesus de Nazaré, profeta poderoso em obras e palavras diante de Deus e de todo o povo; como os sumos sacerdotes e os nossos chefes o entregaram, para ser condenado à morte e crucificado. Nós esperávamos que fosse Ele o que viria redimir Israel, mas, com tudo isto, já lá vai o terceiro dia desde que se deram estas coisas. É verdade que algumas mulheres do nosso grupo nos deixaram perturbados, porque foram ao sepulcro de madrugada e, não achando o seu corpo, vieram dizer que lhes apareceram uns anjos, que afirmavam que Ele vivia. Então, alguns dos nossos foram ao sepulcro e encontraram tudo como as mulheres tinham dito. Mas, a Ele, não o viram.»
Jesus disse-lhes, então: «Ó homens sem inteligência e lentos de espírito para crer em tudo quanto os profetas anunciaram! Não tinha o Messias de sofrer essas coisas para entrar na sua glória?» E, começando por Moisés e seguindo por todos os Profetas, explicou-lhes, em todas as Escrituras, tudo o que lhe dizia respeito.
Ao chegarem perto da aldeia para onde iam, fez menção de seguir para diante.
Os outros, porém, insistiam com Ele, dizendo: «Fica connosco, pois a noite vai caindo e o dia já está no ocaso.» Entrou para ficar com eles. E, quando se pôs à mesa, tomou o pão, pronunciou a bênção e, depois de o partir, entregou-lho.
Então, os seus olhos abriram-se e reconheceram-no; mas Ele desapareceu da sua presença. Disseram, então, um ao outro: «Não nos ardia o coração, quando Ele nos falava pelo caminho e nos explicava as Escrituras?»
Levantando-se, voltaram imediatamente para Jerusalém e encontraram reunidos os Onze e os seus companheiros, que lhes disseram: «Realmente o Senhor ressuscitou e apareceu a Simão!» E eles contaram o que lhes tinha acontecido pelo caminho e como Jesus se lhes dera a conhecer, ao partir o pão.


Uma Europa?

Mapas que mostram com humor
diferenças entre os países europeus