
Mensagem da Comunidade Dominicana Internacional de Bruxelas

A Message from St Dominic’s International Priory in Brussels
on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome
(Sumary by Br. Eugénio Boléo at 9 mai, Europes' day)

For the last six years, Dominican friars from different countries of the European Union have been living in community in Brussels, not far from the places where the decisions are being taken which bear upon the future of our continent. From day to day, we share the cares and the joys of the family and professional lives of people who have come to live and work in Brussels.
In these days when we are commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Rome, we wish to give thanks for the boldness and intuition of those who, after the Second World War, set out on the difficult path of reconciliation which has borne fruit even to the present day.
Fifty years on, the links woven by means of a plethora of exchange programmes linking numerous political, cultural and economic institutions, and also individual citizens and families in our different countries, have borne fruit in improved mutual understanding.
In the course of the everyday life of the international Dominican community, we have had the privilege of being able to bring together our histories and our cultures.
This experience nourishes our conviction that the decision to deepen our European unity is the right one, and one which corresponds to the Christian message. It is more than ever necessary.

This process of stimulating mutual respect and collaboration is by no means complete. Real challenges remain for the future. In the European symphony, some dissonant notes can still be heard. Tensions exist, in particular that between the ideal of transparent democracy and the reality of personal self-interest in search of influence and power. Another is that which has developed between the search for peace through solidarity, and the priority given to the free exchange of goods, people and services, not a concern for many Europeans. Another is the tendency to give priority to national interests over against the pursuit of the common good. Again, solidarity with developing nations is out of all proportion with the enormous material wealth of our continent.
In the tradition of the Christian faith, our Dominican community is particularly concerned to see a spiritually alive Europe where the special qualities of each person are respected, a Europe which works for justice and the building of a better future for all its inhabitants including the most deprived and defenceless. Holding out a hand to those who do not necessarily share our basic options of life, we seek to build bridges between men and women of many different horizons.
The anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome is for us an opportunity to speak a word of encouragement the men and women who share the same concerns to work together wherever man suffers the loss of his dignity.

Brussels, 25 March 2007
The members of St Dominic’s International Community, Brussels:
Alain Arnould – Ignace Berten – Eugenio Boleo – Mark Butaye – Bob Eccles – Bernard Olivier – Michel Van Aerde - Jean-Marie Van Cangh – Marian Wojciechowski – Diethard Zils
O texto completo em francês pode ser lido aqui.

1 comentário:

  1. «we seek to build bridges»
    Hoje continua a ser vital a construção de pontes, numa europa onde a divisão espreita e numa sociedade em que o isolamento e a desintegração aumentam.
    É por isso uma nobre e vital missão.
