
Carta da prisão em Israel

É impressionante esta carta enviada por Abdallah Abu Rahmah, palestiniano preso pelos israelitas.

Foi condenado a uma pena de prisão por protestar pacificamente contra a construção de um muro que é ilegal...

Termina deste modo:

"My eldest daughter Luma was nine years old when I was arrested. She is now ten.
After my arrest she began going to the Friday demonstrations in our village. She always carries a picture of me in her arms.
The adults try to look after her but I still worry for my little girl. I wish that she could enjoy her childhood like other children, that she could be studying and playing with her friends. But through the walls and barbed wire that separates us I hear my daughter’s message to me, saying: "Baba, they cannot stop us. If they take you away, we will take your place and continue to struggle for justice."
This is the message that I want to bring you today. From beyond the walls, the barbed wire, and the prison bars that separate Palestinians and Israelis. "

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